
[ rethinking our balcony ]

DO YOU ever come up with a plan and you try to make it work even though it really isn't? Well, that's what happened with our fatboy beanbag plan for the balcony {read about it here}. Even though they were comfortable and suitable for outdoors, I soon realized that they just weren't practical for us.

The thing about living in a desert is that every weekend, everything outside is completely covered with a layer of fine sand {similar to drywall dust that never seems to go away!} Which means that everything needs to be cleaned before you can park your butt down.

Not that big of a deal but cleaning the deck around these babies and getting the sand out of the beanbag crevices was just too annoying. We tried covers but then where do you put the dirty cover?

Time for a new plan!

I listed them on Dubizzle {Dubai's Craigslist} and within half an hour they were sold! And the money we got for them paid for these beauties...

Not bad, huh? Much more compact but still comfy with footstools for both of us, all-weather wicker which is easy to clean and outdoor cushions that can be washed {which will live indoors between uses anyway}.

Sitting side by side, now we both get a lovely view of the boats.

The set came with a side table that was a bit of a tight fit between the chairs so I moved it to the other end and bought a pretty new lantern for it {this balcony is dark at night!}

I love the detail of it with its white glass sides and the little tea light will give off just enough glow to provide a bit of light without putting us on display.

I'm happy with our new plan. Let's hope it works a lot better than the last one!
